Sunday, April 27, 2008

i felt productive today

tilly and the wall is definitely my new favorite.

they use tap shoes in their music! "rainbows in the dark" is my favorite. check it out on youtube.

le sigh. toronto trip is a go-go (i bought tickets to see evil dead: the musical in Toronto on June 6, 2008, so...yeah, it's happening).


*if anyone has any good toronto tips or ideas, lemme know. i have the old standbys all down, like museums, zoos, fancier nightclubs, etc., but if you have an insider's knowledge, tell me!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

takin' a page from creeden?

well...two more weeks before those papers are due. they aren't any more done now than they were two weeks ago. okay that's a lie. each one is about four pages more done than they were. that's clearly not saying much for my ability to get myself together.

and so it begs the question: why am i even here? if i procrastinate like crazy, am constantly annoyed by my work, and can't wait for summer to start...why am i here? i like learning! i like class! but do i only like those things when they keep me from having a "real" job? i think the short answer is a resounding "yes."

officemate bryan keeps urging me to pursue my mfa in creative nonfiction. that'd be cool, for sure, but it's doubtful i have the chops. i think that maybe the worst thing in the world is realizing that you're not as great as you wanted people to think you were.

actually, maybe the worst thing in the world is not giving yourself credit.

but then you question yourself again, and wonder, well, maybe i'm thinking too much of myself if i think i'm not giving myself enough credit. maybe there's no credit to be deserved! maybe i'm exactly what i'm afraid of being: a mediocre graduate student at a mediocre graduate school writing mediocre english papers that are (let's be completely honest, here) absolutely pointless. the only people who read them are my professors, and they don't think they're that great. even if i were to get something published (longshot!) the only people who would read it are other english majors doing papers on stuff i wrote about. that's the way it works. it's just a closed-off circle of english major people doing stupid theoretical english major stuff that doesn't even matter in life! IT'S SO DUMB.

but, i guess i like it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

back ta woik

it is becoming that time of the semester that everyone hates. it's too nice out to do work!

i have forty pages (total) due by the the second week of may. that gives me about four weeks. it's obviously possible, and i'm going to do it, but i really, really don't want to.

maybe tonight i'll get a jump on it and write a few pages of a paper, just so i don't feel bad this weekend when i really want to be doing other things, like going to the beach or napping or riding my bike.

blah. i have a boring life and a boring blog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

what's going on here?

i woke up this morning (at 4:00 am, mind you) to the fact that my knee was asleep. what? can knees even do that? the answer would seem to be yes, and it still feels weird since then. of course i got really nervous about it so i didn't sleep much after that, until probably 6, then woke up at 9:30. i wonder: does it just feel weird because i can't stop thinking about it, or does it actually feel weird? this is the question i must ask myself every time i get a weird feeling in my body.

i'm going to get a check-up as soon as i get home. i'm sick of being worried.

also, i'm not letting myself look this symptom up on'll just worry me more.
