Tuesday, May 20, 2008

life update

first, papers: 1 down, 1 to go. i am closish to finishing the second. i'm on the seventh page single spaced...it needs to be ten. so, it's getting there. i can't wait for the double-space moment (even though i know i could just double it...meaning i have about 13 pages at the moment...still, it feels so good when you finally see the number).

second, bike: holy shit, so not easy to ride. it is WARPED, which means it makes it really hard to balance the bike when someone is riding on the back. i think i have to bring it in for a tune up. i do not know how much that will cost, but i bet it isn't going to be cheap. but! it'll be worth it, because even though it was scary, it was still really fun.

third, new favorite song: Paper Planes, by M.I.A.. can't stop listening to it!

Friday, May 16, 2008


i wish this paper would just write itself.

gotta go!

this paper ain't gonna write itself...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

pic of the new bike

heh. just thought i'd flaunt my latest purchase. anyone who wants to go for a ride this sumsum give me a call. :)


i just love when the weather is fine, the leaves are rustling, and the sun makes you warm. the only think i wish is that i could take my compy outside and do my work out there. i tried it but i couldn't see the screen because of the sunny glare. poo poo. all i can hope to do now is get lots of work done so i don't feel bad about calling it quits at 4 and taking a nap on the lawn.

after having done absolutely nothing for the past two days (i am serious when i say this. i spent all of saturday watching an america's next top model marathon on mtv), i need a reason not to feel like a bad daughter on mother's day. if i can justify staying here instead of going home by being productive, i'll feel better.

so far, so good. i am just tip-tap-typing away on my little edith wharton paper, and that is goo-ood.

i'm feeling great!

bee-tee-dubs: I BOUGHT A 1950s TANDEM SCHWINN.