Thursday, August 19, 2010


I jinxed Sal!

I wrote that sad post about lonely old Sal, and now he has to quit work because (surprise!) his dad is ill and he has to live with him and be his full-time caregiver.

Sal's life does not QUIT with the sad-making.

On the plus side, Sal gave me half of his chicken BLT last night. The bacon was delicious.

Also! One week until new apartment move-in! Well, technical move-in. I won't really be living there until after the weddin' day.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Meet Sal. Sal is a lonely 30-year-old who works for his brother's landscaping business. He used to have a girlfriend, but she dumped him when, after seven years, he refused to propose marriage. At night, Sal works at a local college as a secretary, hoping that it'll allow him to take a few more classes for free. Someday, Sal would like to be a big-time business man. For now, Sal answers the phone in a professional and pleasant tone and brings in tootsie rolls for his coworker.

Sal makes me sad.

Sal also kind of freaks me out, especially when he confirmed my half-joking suspicion that there might be "spirits" dwelling in the building.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 things to do when you have nothing to do (workplace edition)

1. get a list of to-do's from a supervisor or co-worker. it always feels good to have a task, and doing it well means you might get some brownie points. not to mention it makes the time go by faster.

2. check the supply closet. everybody hates doing it, and, while nobody will notice that you've restocked the paper supply or filled some empty staplers, the workplace will run smoother and be more enjoyable.

3. consider redecorating. if you have some down-time, try downloading a calendar template online and plugging it in with important work or personal dates. add fun pictures or colors. print and post in your cube or office. you'll feel like you did something worthwhile, because you's all in the name of remaining organized!

4. wash away the grime. run through a list of people who have touched your office phone, keyboard, desk, stapler, or pens. consider disinfecting said items. seeing you do this may inspire others to do the same, and if you're not all healthier for it, well, at least you get the satisfaction of seeing all the dirt that got lifted off the number pad.

5. give a warm hello. record, or re-record, your voicemail greetings. if you can, make yourself smile while doing it--people will notice how nice you seem, without ever meeting you.