Saturday, May 9, 2009

boring, i know

so, yes, my school work has been taking over my life, which is why i talk about nothing else. but i promise, it will all be over soon!

i am happy to report that i will definitely be done with five pages of my shakespeare essay by monday night. i think that means it will be about 20% done! the final is due on the 15th. this is good news.

want to know something else that's great? i went to my victorian lit prof, and he said my paper about arthur conan doyle/sherlock holmes/piltdown man hoax (look it up, it's fun) is pretty much fine as is, so that means i don't have to do much to it before i hand it in on tuesday. this is more good news.

and finally, i, against my better judgement, requested to be a guest blogger on the fashion/eating blog T Minus T Plus!

so, i kind of hope she says yes, but that will absolutely mean I have to pick out some crazy cute outfit that is also flattering. um, i am excited at the prospect. i must say, i think my outfit today is pretty darn cute. i like my polka-dotted shirt.

oh! and more fun news: i went shopping today and bought a really cute skirt. i don't ever wear skirts (mostly for the chub-rub factor: all that thigh rubbing is painful), but it was 9.99 at this store in dover and it fit, so i couldn't pass it up. okay, i'm just blabbing now because i don't want to finish my presentation. but i need to get most of it done, so i can go see star trek tonight, and then go see my mother tomorrow, without feeling bad.


Jennifer said...

I'm so jealous at how close you are to being done! :)

I hope you get picked to be a guest blogger. I the way you dress, I think you'd be a great blogger.

About the skirts, what if you got some kind of shorts minus the padding or whatever (spandex shorts) that people used to wear in the 90s and wear it underneath the skirt! You know, the spandex shorts with the lace around the edges. That'd eliminate the rub and keep you protected if a breeze comes your way AND you wouldn't have to be as vigilant about keeping your legs together (my biggest issue, haha).

Brooke said...

I want to see the new skirt!

Maybe we could do a warm-up for the guest-blogging? Friday or Saturday? What do you think?