Monday, August 10, 2009

sunday funday

well...not completely fun. after visiting my grandmother i waited around for a few hours before any plans solidified, which meant i had time to sit in my room and organize stuff. it could have taken all of a half hour if i could just focus, but i couldn't, so it took longer and became more annoying. now the pile is gone from my floor, though, and the final box is emptied! now i just have to clear off the stuff from my desk, and my room will be clean! of course, it has taken three weeks for me to get to this point...and as i look around right now, i see something else that needs to get done before my room is "clean." ugh. oh well.

as far as food is concerned, yesterday was kind of pell-mell. i had a decent breakfast of cereal and milk, then we went to my grandmother's where i had two small blueberry muffins (i hadn't eaten lunch and i couldn't find the strength to eat only one). after that i came home and found i was still hungry for lunch, so i had another bowl of cereal and milk. then until dinner i just kept nibbling...a peach, about 10 marshmallows, a pudding snack cup, some goldfish...but after dinner happened i was pretty much done (except for the cheese curls that found their way into my lap later in the night). i really need to work on snacking less. the snacks are my boredom/frustration food...when i don't have anything to do, or don't know what i want to do, or when i'm waiting around for something to happen, i just eat whatever is in sight. that needs to stop, methinks.

exercise: none. lyndsay invited me for a bike ride but my bike isn't back from the shop yet. hopefully it will be today!

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