Thursday, September 9, 2010

epidermal vanities

My skin is breaking out. And not into song.

All along my jaw line I've been getting these deep, painful pimples that just will not go away. They are large red bumps that hurt like the dickens! I've decided to try something other than wishing them away.

Despite my initial nerves surrounding salicylic acid (I was afraid I'd be allergic to it), I decided to buy Aveeno Clear Complexion. The ridiculous price of $14.99 actually seemed cheap compared to other cleansing products in the same aisle (who pays $30.00 for face wash?!), so I figured I'd give it a whirl. The Aveeno brand seems like a very gentle, earthy face wash (I'm sure it's neither, but I'm a sucker for good marketing). I used it this morning, and so far, no ill-effects.

Hopefully the ol' pimple chin-strap will clear up by the time the wedding rolls around.


jen said...

I use this often and I really love it.

If it makes you feel any better my mouth is surrounded by those weird lip pimples. It's gross. I have one on each side of my upper lip, it's almost creepy how symmetric it is.

CoCo said...

thanks for the advice! glad to know people like aveeno. i do not understand what is UP with my zits.