Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I just like saying "nanowrimo."

Here's what I don't like: realizing that every time I try to write any fiction it comes out seeming either half-assed or a lot like an autobiography. Why can't I just make stuff up without it sounding like crap, or worse, without it sounding forced.

That's okay, because the joy of nanowrimo is that you just write. It's impossible to worry about the nitty-gritty "I sound like a phony, I don't want Holden Caufield to hate me," business, because you've only got THIRTY DAYS to write 50,000 words. So it's just all a bunch of crap, anyway.

I am having fun exploring characters, and learning from them about what they do and where they go. Sometimes they do things that I definitely did not anticipate, so that's exciting. It's also annoying, because things start getting...different...than what I originally planned on. That's where the forcedness comes in, I guess. Sorry! Just trying to stick to my purpose! I imagine my characters rolling their eyes.

Also, holy dark, Batman! I guess I just have a thing for melodrama.

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