Friday, February 29, 2008

apple zapple

it's a beautiful sunny day, and what am i doing? searching for my probably-dead cat on area humane society websites and updating a blog that one person reads. well, whatever. i found another cat that i want, and he fulfills my two feline requirements: big and cuddly. his name is mittens, and since he was a stray, that means he doesn't know his name anyway. therefore, a re-name to something more suitable, like "gloves" or "sir wexley fitzwilliam pawsykins the third," would be perfectly reasonable.

oh bother; i just received a call that allyson is on her way and now i have to clean because she expects me to feed her. i bought some "apple dapples" from market basket (it's their more cardboardy version of "apple jacks"), and offered them to her. she declined over the phone, proclaiming, "i would never eat anything called "apple zapples!"

i can only imagine how much better anything would taste with a name like "apple zapple."

but she's almost here, and i'm in my jim-jams, and all of my dishes are dirty. bah.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

don't banish them from your mind

"Grandpa Seth has remained in all our hearts, but you must banish him from your mind."

so says the character of "mom" in my favorite of all time: troll 2.

to my delight they are having a double-feature in the student union building on thursday night, featuring not only troll 2, but manos: the hands of fate, as well.

pete is intrigued, and i cannot wait. it's been months since i've seen either, and i've had to whet my appetite with snippets on youtube. i cannot wait for the saving grace of a double-decker bologna sandwich. oh grandpa seth, what great advice you give!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

under the truck

wellwellwell. quite a weekend i've had already, and it's only saturday morning.

aubrey came to visit, as promised, and due to the foul weather she stayed an extra day! that was marvelous, because we went to kathleen's and had a great time playing some ridiculous game called "celebrity," a mix between catch phrase and charades.

also, i fell on the ice. under a truck. not a moving truck, mind you. a very stationary one. still, HIGH-larious, if i do say so m'self. i landed flat on my stomach, with the lower half of my body underneath a large, parked pick-up. i was warned of the ice, but heeded it not! to my delight, someone who came in after me (who i had forewarned via phone re the likelihood of slipping under a truck), came in, covered with snow, and pronounced, with a tone of i'm-mad-because-i'm-carrying-beer-and-i-fell-on-ice: "i fell under the truck." i erupted into a fit of giggles and tears because falling is always funny, and somehow, her falling justified my own incident.

oh, and lest i forget: aubrey and i also played a couple exciting rounds of Life: Twists and Turns, and this gem of a card came up:


Thursday, February 21, 2008


post-it dancing fun!

it's thoisdee

well, here we are. the beginning of the end of another week. aubrey is coming to visit tonight, which should be grand; tomorrow, we visit dave spicy house!

i did another jennifer galardi workout this morning. i have to say, even though it's only twenty minutes, i sweat more than i had been with the other workouts i have. i could make it longer, but i only had time for a two-oh, because i have a presentation today in american modernisms and i have to keep prepping for it.

actually i don't think it'll be disastrous, though it might be boring. that's fine with me. as long as i can manage to blab on for about fifteen minutes i'll be okay, and if peggy goes after me, that's even better. nobody will ask me questions, if that's the case.

also, my landlady big jim are going away for the week. i'm glad aubrey's coming this eve. also, weight watchers tonight, so we'll see if this galardi business has been paying off.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

obligatory new blog post

acting on a suggestion, i've joined millions of others (all of us would-be writers/artists/journalists/musicians/perverts) by publishing my very own blog. admittedly, becoming one with the blogosphere will take some time. i have neither the will nor the desire to trudge through whatever mundane thoughts someone else decides to commit to virtual paper, but for some reason, i hold out hope that a better person than i will happen upon this particular blog, and find something to relate to, i guess.

i don't even know what to write about. life, as usual, will have to suffice.

currently, i'm trying to create a presentation about modernism and post-modernism for a class aptly titled "american modernisms." on the downside, my presentation is going to be boring and sucky. on the upside, i will be following a general trend of in-class suckiness. only one fellow student has had a decent presentation, and that included film clips (it has been my experience that the best presentations always include film clips, regardless of how lame the clips may be when viewed separately). i have been trying my hardest to get something with pieces of movies going, but i think it's too late now, since class is in two days. i was going to maybe show a little of a modernist film (perhaps an old film noir, like double indemnity), and then a little post-modernist film, like pulp fiction, but that would mean i'd not only have to watch them both and get good spots for comparison, but i'd also have to have something bright to say about each's role in modernism. blegh.

that's all for today, i suppose. sorry it wasn't cool.