Friday, February 29, 2008

apple zapple

it's a beautiful sunny day, and what am i doing? searching for my probably-dead cat on area humane society websites and updating a blog that one person reads. well, whatever. i found another cat that i want, and he fulfills my two feline requirements: big and cuddly. his name is mittens, and since he was a stray, that means he doesn't know his name anyway. therefore, a re-name to something more suitable, like "gloves" or "sir wexley fitzwilliam pawsykins the third," would be perfectly reasonable.

oh bother; i just received a call that allyson is on her way and now i have to clean because she expects me to feed her. i bought some "apple dapples" from market basket (it's their more cardboardy version of "apple jacks"), and offered them to her. she declined over the phone, proclaiming, "i would never eat anything called "apple zapples!"

i can only imagine how much better anything would taste with a name like "apple zapple."

but she's almost here, and i'm in my jim-jams, and all of my dishes are dirty. bah.

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