aubrey came to visit, as promised, and due to the foul weather she stayed an extra day! that was marvelous, because we went to kathleen's and had a great time playing some ridiculous game called "celebrity," a mix between catch phrase and charades.
also, i fell on the ice. under a truck. not a moving truck, mind you. a very stationary one. still, HIGH-larious, if i do say so m'self. i landed flat on my stomach, with the lower half of my body underneath a large, parked pick-up. i was warned of the ice, but heeded it not! to my delight, someone who came in after me (who i had forewarned via phone re the likelihood of slipping under a truck), came in, covered with snow, and pronounced, with a tone of i'm-mad-because-i'm-carrying-beer-and-i-fell-on-ice: "i fell under the truck." i erupted into a fit of giggles and tears because falling is always funny, and somehow, her falling justified my own incident.
oh, and lest i forget: aubrey and i also played a couple exciting rounds of Life: Twists and Turns, and this gem of a card came up:
1 comment:
"Sing 'Sweet Caroline' for me"
and finally:
"Hey guys, guess where my cell phone was..."
excellent day/evening.
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