Saturday, January 31, 2009

and my students shall blog

in first-year english, students almost always write some kind of one week journal, just to get a feel for that kind of writing. we read excerpts from joan didion and anne frank, we talk about why people write in journals, etc.

this semester, instead of having them physically write, i'm having the create blogs. i'd say about 75% were completely resistant (which surprised me, since every one of them has a facebook...perhaps blogging has a stigma?), but i am LOVING reading them. some are really boring, some are pseudo-intellectual, but most are just what the students care to share about their days, and as a person who finds joy in the mundane (and apparently, also in voyuerism...why else would i like to know what some student in my class was doing on a saturday morning at home?), they are giving me great pleasure. i hope they continue to write in them even after next thursday is over. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Are the things they are writing about completely different than the things students in the past have written about in paper journals? It seems like it'd be easier to write more since it is a lot easier (or maybe just seems a lot easier) to type something out than write it by hand.