Wednesday, February 18, 2009


today was going great until i had coffee. then i felt pretty terrible.

i don't know what i do this to myself, because every time i drink coffee it upsets my stomach. on the plus side, i had really productive conferences with my students today! they are all willing to take interesting and exciting risks with their writing, which is very rewarding for a writing instructor. i wish i could post some of the drafts they've written (they're about to hand in the third draft on tuesday) because they've made some huge leaps. it's so satisfying!

also, i know someone whose dad worked at saint mike's! it was so great. i love me some saint michael's college. i miss it.

but my time at university of new hampshire grows short and i still don't know what i'm going to do, so...i should get over smc and start thinking about the future. well, i can't stop thinking about the future, and that's causing some severe anxiety in my life. blah blah. future.

at least aubrey is coming to visit tomorrow! we will go to dave spicy house and sing karaoke, and it will be grand.

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