Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i like reading other people's blogs. i wonder how some of them get so popular? probably because they have a purpose beyond just informing people about their daily goings-on. so, in an apparent move to remain completely anonymous on the internet, i will describe my daily goings-on:

1. haha (in the meanest way possible): roommate bought a used 1990 volvo 24o, thinking that it would solve all her problems because volvos are so incredibly awesome and never break (according to her). she got a quote for the inspection and it needs a LOT of work...$700 worth. don't tell me your used car is the shit. i have one, and i know, a used car is a used car is a used car, even if it is a volvo.

2. teehee: every now and then i spend the entire bus ride to school dreaming about what me and pete's babies will look like. today my imaginary babies looked especially cute. if that is not the most disgusting thing i've ever said, i don't know what is.

3. boo: all my family is still in europe, and all i want to do is call them. i spend a good few minutes every day picking up the phone to dial, only to realize that nobody will answer until next week.

4. ugh: planning a 25th wedding anniversary party is AWFUL. don't ever do it if you can avoid it. actually, i think it's only awful because other people are involved. somehow it would be less terrible if i were the only one planning. is this because i am a perfectionist? no, i don't think so. micro-manager, yes; perfectionist, no. i don't care if it something gets done crappily if i do it that way, but when someone else starts taking short cuts, oh dear. basically i just wish we were going out to T-Bones with just the five of us, but it's turning into a 100-guest affair (complete with SAVE THE DATES and PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS). kill me now. on the plus side, bethany and i are making sure coconut bras will somehow be incorporated.

that was my day. or at least, that's what i thought about all day (not to mention some thoughts on english 401 planning, as well as some thinking about dracula, which we just read in victorian literature. good, good, good book.).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if coconut bras weren't in the mix, i'd have been seriously let down