Sunday, March 22, 2009

last day of spring break

so, sigh sigh sadness, spring break is over today. it's our one week of vacation the entire semester, and it's coming to a close. now, only eight (count 'em!) eight weeks left of graduate school. i'm just excited to wear a fancier gown at this graduation (i mean, i'll have a hood and bigger sleeves...what more could you want?).

i got the alice paper back, and i did get a good grade. that was quite a relief, but i still have two more papers to write in that class before the semester is over. i'll also have to take two more tests in grammar and write my extended seminar paper in shakespeare. if eight weeks feels long now (and oh, it feels LONG), time is going to fly by with all that work. luckily it's not all due the last week of school, even though some of it is, and that means the possibilities for procrastination are reduced.

and what about after? well, i sent an email to the lady who runs the volunteers at the dover adult education center and she is sending me a packet with some info and an application to volunteer there this spring. i read something on one those "get a job" websites that said if you want a job in a nonprofit (which i think i would) you have to show that you care enough to have volunteered already. this makes perfect sense, so i'm adding that to my long list of to-do's in the last 8 weeks of school. i don't mind because it will be a chance for me to do three things:1. get some experience to see if i really would like it, 2. make some contacts, and 3. actually help people out. i've really felt pretty useless for the past two years and it will be nice to feel like part of a community outside of the university by taking time to help others.

long post, i know. i'm just saying that even though what's to come is going to be hard, and won't be long before it's all over. and that will be a little bittersweet, even if i do go tapdancing out the doors of hamilton smith hall in may.

1 comment:

Mary-Irene said...

Good luck volunteering! Hope it goes well and you get a few good leads!

Sorry break is over, but summer will be here soon!