Monday, April 20, 2009

after swearing off cookies...

i don't know why i bother saying i won't eat cookies, when clearly, i like cookies. who DOESN'T, i ask you? your obvious answer shall demonstrate my point (unless you say, "nobody," in which case, you are sadly misinformed). right. so i did okay all weekend, and then today i was stressed, and though not at all hungry, wanted to eat a cookie. so i bought one. and while at the counter, well, i also bought a bag of peanut butter m&m's. i did not eat the whole bag, but i did eat about half. well, now i have heartburn as a reminder of why i should only eat these types of goodies in moderation.

my goal is to fit into that sundress again. i wore it a year ago at pete's graduation party, and there's pretty much no reason that it shouldn't fit me now. so, i hereby declare, it shall fit again!

i need to swallow my pride and go back to weight watchers. it's not like i hate myself when i go (on the contrary, i rather like myself), but now that it's been about 3 months of not going, i fear the scale. i need to get over it. this thursday, i'm back in the swing.


Aubrey said...

On Friday I'm going to ask you if you went, and the answer should be yes. I know you can do it! Make yourself a big pot of zero point soup, and hop back on that wagon!

Courtney said...

yeahh! an accountabilibuddy! just what i needed!

CoCo said...

i went! i did it!