Sunday, April 26, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like...finals?

it's that time of semester again! a time for laughter, tears, anxiety, and self-hatred. today i spent about twelve hours trying to write a ten page paper about something i do every single day: commenting on students' writing. i'm writing a paper for grammar class about the language of teacher comments and whether or not they actually do anything (and whether the language has anything to do with them). it is surprisingly hard to write. i figured i'd be done in about four hours. well, since i've probably REALLY only worked on in for, say, six, i'm still behind. i've only got five pages! the problem is, at its heart, this paper is really a sociology paper, and i'll be darned if these aren't harder to write than regular english papers!

i feel like an utter moron staring at the screen, reading and re-reading what i've got, trying to just b.s. my way to ten pages. anyway, i want to get this as done as i can tonight, so that it's out of my life and i can worry about my other papers.

new to-do:
1. finish grammar project (that's this)
2. begin shakespeare (presentation due the 11th, final due the week after)
3. begin victorian lit (another paper only 8-10 pages, but i think that one will be tough, also). Presentation next tuesday, final due the 15th).

and then? HOME FREE. :) :) :)

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