Thursday, July 9, 2009

another win! but then, maybe not.

so interview went well. i have to say, the atmosphere at nashua community college was somewhat more...grim...than i had anticipated. i knew two year schools would be different, but i wasn't quite prepared for the "we'll hire just about anything that breathes" mentality that the woman who interviewed me (the head of the humanities dept.) seemed to have. after telling me for some time about how they used to have five required papers in college comp., but now they only have four, she asked me just TWO questions: 1. what do i do when there is a kid in my class who obviously doesn't want to be there? and 2. why do i like teaching?

that was it. i answered her, and she seemed satisfied. she looked at my undergraduate transcript and noted, "ah, i see you took a british lit class! you could probably teach it here, then." well yes, i am an english lit major...i took MANY british lit classes. most notably in my graduate career, not really undergraduate. she didn't even bother looking at my UNH transcript, even though i gave it to her. the fact that i had a b.a. seemed to be reason enough.
anyway so i "got the job" and can have two sections of college comp and two of brit lit if i want them...BUT here's the rub: each 4 credit class pays 2200. each 3 credit pays 1700. meaning i would be making somewhere around 8,000 dollars for the semester, which works out to be about 16,000 a year. and benefits are naturally not included (this i already knew). i can't take this job if i want money, which is, after all, what i want. second job? sure. primary career? absolutely out of the cards. '

but i already knew that about adjuncting. whatever. it's another interview under my belt, i guess.

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