Wednesday, July 15, 2009

uncertainty abounds

what's today? the 15th? that puts us smack in the middle of July, and only about two weeks away from move-out-of-dover day. here are some things that are floating through my mind, at the mome:

1. i hate moving. i'm not the only one. i read some statistic about how some ridiculously large number of people rate moving as their number one most hated thing. i would consider myself a member of that group. i mostly hate it because it involves a lot of cleaning of stuff you don't normally see (stuff that gets shoved under your bed, for example, or dust bunnies that accumulate behind desks and under side-tables). i'm going to have to do a lot of dusting. the other reason i hate it is because as of now, i have nowhere to put a lot of that stuff.

2. leading to my number two thought for the day: i'm bummed about moving back home. it's great that my parents are welcoming me and all my stuff, and it's awesome that i have my room still and that my parents will feed me and house me and they love me. but...there's a lot of tension that is involved with living with your family--tension you don't usually notice until you stay there for more than a week. that, my friends, is tension i don't want any part of. it will be great to save up for things like cars, dental work, and loan payments, but at the end of the day, i think i'm going to be pretty stressed. and there isn't a bathroom in the basement.

3. i'm beginning to think my resume must need help. i mean, i'm a highly qualified professional, and i've been sending my resume out like crazy. i need to make some follow-up calls (even though a few places i've called don't "do phone calls"), but i'm starting to feel like maybe my resume is going to the bottom of the pile for some reason. i need to investigate.

4. the weather is gorgeous, i'm going away for the weekend, and i still feel kind of like a failure because i graduated in may and it's been almost two months and i still don't have a job. i know it's a bad time to be looking for one, and i know i shouldn't expect every place to want me, and i also know that sometimes it takes many months. i'm just impatient because...

5. i'm so freaking bored. i enjoy doing nothing, typically. i don't have a problem watching tv all day. i like lounging at the beach just reading a book. i've been making a lot of ice cream and looking into a lot of new recipes. i visit farmers markets. but when everyone else has a job, or isn't around, it gets kind of lonely doing all that stuff by yourself. and i spend time every day researching new cars and cell phones, looking at clothes online, etc., etc., and you can't get that stuff without money. so, i'm trying to make whatever i have last as long as i can, and that means doing a lot of nothing. and that's...boring.

that's all. i've just been feeling a little down lately. but at least the sun is out! and at least i'm going away this weekend! so that's nice.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I'll be back next week and I will also have nothing to do!