Monday, August 3, 2009


my room is ALMOST totally unpacked and clean! it has only taken me a few weeks. I just have a few more piles of stuff to go through. then, i need to go through all my teaching stuff and file it away in some kind of organized manner. then i will be done! and home indefinitely.

pluses of moving back home: there are always people around who will do stuff with you. there's almost always something to do or someone to see. you can go to the gym with your sister or your mom. you might run into people you know at the library (it happened!). you can kind of take your time.

minuses of moving back home: all your stuff (kitchen, bath, den) is in your bedroom. you still feel like there's a curfew, even if there technically isn't. it is expected that your job will be to help your brother with homework. you are routinely grilled about what your life plans are. you feel like you always want to get out.

still, i'm happy to be here, at least for now.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

I will be home in about 2 weeks, and I will be in the same boat. Good luck and don't go too stir crazy!