Tuesday, August 11, 2009

great, great, great!

if you couldn't tell from the title of this post, yesterday was a fairly fantastic day.

1. i got my bike!! it's in beautiful condition now, and it is a new rack on the back of it so i can carry things like baskets of picnic food or groceries or flowers. i am obviously a bicycle-basket-romanticizer, but come on. all things are possible with baskets attached to your bike.

2. i exercised twice! i went to the gym and did a fairly traditional, boring workout of treadmill and stairs, some resistance training, and some modified yoga stretching. later, after dinner, i went to lyndsay's and we went for a short bike ride (2.2 miles...not much on a bike, but there were some uphills, so all was not lost).

3. i ate well, and was never dissatisfied! because i was busy all day with things here and there, i never had much time to sit down and think about how bored i was. as a result, i didn't snack at all, and the meals i chose were healthy (except dinner, which was pancakes. but since pancakes are so delicious, i didn't mind).

4. i discovered i have lost 2.5 pounds in the last week and a half! this is exciting news.

and even though there was a sad point in my day (ripping open the envelope from the school i applied to for the position of guidance assistant and finding myself rejected...i didn't know they did rejection letters in the world of work), i used it as ammunition to fuel my desire for stability in all other areas.

points: 29 (2 over, i blame the pancakes)
exercise: 4 points, or about 50 minutes.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Yay for biking and losing weight! I'm glad you're being so healthy and productive. :)