Saturday, April 17, 2010

one of those days

So, I got a "talking to" yesterday at work. It's pretty out of my character to just flat-out forget about people, but that's what happened. Some customers came in looking for bridesmaid dresses, and I helped them for about ten minutes before I had to go help a bride, and thus, they were forgotten. What I didn't realize was that they had an appointment, so, that's pretty bad. Still, they were jerky. First of all, they got pissed when I told them we didn't have every dress in every single size (sorry, but if you try on the 12 and it's small but you LIKE the dress, then we can just order it in the correct size for you. That isn't the exact dress you'll be wearing in the wedding, so chill if it's not the right size). Then, Bridey got annoyed that we didn't have the dresses she wanted to look at in the color she wanted. Then, I got stuck with a bride and I forgot about the annoying people, and they complained--A LOT--about me. Here's how my "talking to" went:

Boss: "So, those women were really upset. What do you think happened?"
Me: "Well, I forgot about them."
Boss: (Momentary shock at candor). "Well, I'm glad you're honest."
Me: Nods awkwardly
Boss: "That was a lot of money we almost lost. You're going to lose this bride, now, and she's going to someone else."
Me: (Hoping my relief at never having to talk to those women again does not show on my face). "Okay."
Boss: "This is unlike you, so, we'll just chalk it up to experience. Good talk. Don't lose sleep over it."
Me: "Don't worry."
Boss: "We good?" (Smiles widely) "I make mistakes ALL the time!!!" (Rolls eyes and exaggerates in order to make me feel like we're on the same level).
Me: "Okay. I'm going to go wash my mirrors now. Thanks."

Bahhhh. Stupid.

P.S. how's that for an "and then" story?

Monday, April 12, 2010

i'm gonna be a quarterback someday and throw for 2,000 yards

Well, the last post belonged to a different blog. So, sorry about that. But maybe it was a nice change?

News on the personal front: started NFP (natural family planning) class last night. We received it as an early wedding present from Laura and Keith. It's surprisingly interesting, I must say. I mean, the 5th grade anatomy lesson wasn't very interesting, but making charts and plotting points is something I enjoy, so this might be right up me and Pete's alley. That's all I'll say about it. It's kind of fun.

News on the wedding front: meeting with DJ Solerus tonight. And by DJ Solerous, I mean DJ Greg Sowa, son of Mr. Sowa, middle school Social Studies teacher. You can see his website here. He looks like a lot of fun. Ally goes to college with him (ha, he's a senior at UNH) and says he's a pretty good guy, despite Pete's analysis that DJ Greg sounds like a tool on the phone. I still believe in him! I'm excited to meet him, because I think he'll be a DJ that will play a lot of Lady Gaga, which is what I want.

News on the job front: who knows? On Wednesday I called the community college where I interviewed at, and they didn't get back to me yet. I might call again today. I also need to call Pete's work (they had an opening for customer service people). I'm also applying for AmeriCorps VISTA stuff again, because I just really need skills, and really have none (as far as grant writing, fundraising, and all that stuff is concerned). I'd like to work for a non-profit someday, so those skills would definitely come in handy. This time, I will not be convinced it is a bad idea. I still have bad days where I just want to cry all day in my bed, but they're a lot fewer than before.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

boot bandwagon

So, I have these boots, and I'm pretty sure I haven't worn them since the capsule challenge of many months ago. I just fear that boots make my calves look big, as I have already expressed in previous posts. Still, I kind of like what's going on here.

This outfit is meant for work, though the corduroy skirt might be a tad casual for my work environment. I'm liking all the colors together: though I tend to think of jewel tones as fall-only, my last post and today's post both make use of them. It just goes to show that tealy/turquoise is a color for all seasons. As far as the casualness is concerned, I'm not that worried. The white button-up and sweater vest take care of that, methinks. The only thing I am worried about is comfort. I'm on my feet the whole time at work, bringing heavy dresses back and forth to customers all day long. I'll probably bring a change of shoe.

But, since B is basically obsessed with boots, I figured I'd give them another shot. I don't even hate the way they make my legs look, and I'm not sure if it's because I've lost a little weight since the last time I've worn them, or if it's because I just don't care as much about adding a little bulk to the calf area. Regardless, I like it all.

Boots: Marshall's or TJ Maxx
White shirt, teal vest: Old Navy
Beige skirt: hand-me-down, Old Navy
Brown tights: Target
Brown socks: Marshall's

Thursday, April 1, 2010

can't wait for tomorrow

...because tomorrow I have the day off, and I have an interview. Lately, David's Bridal has been hating me. I don't sell enough, I don't even pretend to be a salesperson, and they're starting to catch on. At first they thought it was because I was new. Now they see that it's my personality. I feel guilty "asking for the sale." I don't know, I feel like, buy it if you want to, but not because I want you to. Of course, being in the sales business, I guess I have to get better at leading people subliminally, without outwardly steering. It's hard! I have respect for good salespeople, for sure, because it is definitely an art.

So, back to my point: interview tomorrow. It's at Nashua Community College, and even though it's only for a secretary position, I am feeling really hopeful. It would be in the Academic Affairs office, and it would help me know some people, so that maybe one day I could get good references or even move up. I applied to another job at NCC, that of Academic Advisor, which I actually think my education and experience have prepared me for, but I'm doubtful about that one.

Plus, I haven't really told anyone about my experience going to Simmons College the other day for an open house in their GLIS (Graduate Library and Information Science) department. It was AWESOME and basically sealed the fact that I want to be a librarian. That's why I can endure jobs that I am overqualified for: I am shooting for a someday goal, and I keep telling myself that David's Bridal and anything else is just temporary. With the wedding and marriage and all I won't be able to start until maybe next fall, which gives me some time to gather my materials and put together a showstopping application. It also gives me time to research programs; when there are only 52 in the U.S., you really have to do some soul-searching about where you want to go and what exactly you hope to do there. The program in Denver looks pretty cool, though.

And because I have to share:

That's me, in my mom's wedding dress, laughing at the thought of ever fitting into it. It's okay because, according to her, "It's SO UGLY!"