Saturday, April 17, 2010

one of those days

So, I got a "talking to" yesterday at work. It's pretty out of my character to just flat-out forget about people, but that's what happened. Some customers came in looking for bridesmaid dresses, and I helped them for about ten minutes before I had to go help a bride, and thus, they were forgotten. What I didn't realize was that they had an appointment, so, that's pretty bad. Still, they were jerky. First of all, they got pissed when I told them we didn't have every dress in every single size (sorry, but if you try on the 12 and it's small but you LIKE the dress, then we can just order it in the correct size for you. That isn't the exact dress you'll be wearing in the wedding, so chill if it's not the right size). Then, Bridey got annoyed that we didn't have the dresses she wanted to look at in the color she wanted. Then, I got stuck with a bride and I forgot about the annoying people, and they complained--A LOT--about me. Here's how my "talking to" went:

Boss: "So, those women were really upset. What do you think happened?"
Me: "Well, I forgot about them."
Boss: (Momentary shock at candor). "Well, I'm glad you're honest."
Me: Nods awkwardly
Boss: "That was a lot of money we almost lost. You're going to lose this bride, now, and she's going to someone else."
Me: (Hoping my relief at never having to talk to those women again does not show on my face). "Okay."
Boss: "This is unlike you, so, we'll just chalk it up to experience. Good talk. Don't lose sleep over it."
Me: "Don't worry."
Boss: "We good?" (Smiles widely) "I make mistakes ALL the time!!!" (Rolls eyes and exaggerates in order to make me feel like we're on the same level).
Me: "Okay. I'm going to go wash my mirrors now. Thanks."

Bahhhh. Stupid.

P.S. how's that for an "and then" story?

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