Thursday, April 1, 2010

can't wait for tomorrow

...because tomorrow I have the day off, and I have an interview. Lately, David's Bridal has been hating me. I don't sell enough, I don't even pretend to be a salesperson, and they're starting to catch on. At first they thought it was because I was new. Now they see that it's my personality. I feel guilty "asking for the sale." I don't know, I feel like, buy it if you want to, but not because I want you to. Of course, being in the sales business, I guess I have to get better at leading people subliminally, without outwardly steering. It's hard! I have respect for good salespeople, for sure, because it is definitely an art.

So, back to my point: interview tomorrow. It's at Nashua Community College, and even though it's only for a secretary position, I am feeling really hopeful. It would be in the Academic Affairs office, and it would help me know some people, so that maybe one day I could get good references or even move up. I applied to another job at NCC, that of Academic Advisor, which I actually think my education and experience have prepared me for, but I'm doubtful about that one.

Plus, I haven't really told anyone about my experience going to Simmons College the other day for an open house in their GLIS (Graduate Library and Information Science) department. It was AWESOME and basically sealed the fact that I want to be a librarian. That's why I can endure jobs that I am overqualified for: I am shooting for a someday goal, and I keep telling myself that David's Bridal and anything else is just temporary. With the wedding and marriage and all I won't be able to start until maybe next fall, which gives me some time to gather my materials and put together a showstopping application. It also gives me time to research programs; when there are only 52 in the U.S., you really have to do some soul-searching about where you want to go and what exactly you hope to do there. The program in Denver looks pretty cool, though.

And because I have to share:

That's me, in my mom's wedding dress, laughing at the thought of ever fitting into it. It's okay because, according to her, "It's SO UGLY!"

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