Tuesday, July 20, 2010

all i want is a room somewhere...

3 second update: found a new job or two, car broke down, wedding in three months, looking for a decent apartment.

It's the last bit that has me apprehensive.

I think looking for a nice apartment in an area you like for a price you can afford is just downright difficult. Now, if I were looking in Dover, or Portsmouth, or somewhere cool, finding an apartment would be a breeze. But I'm looking in Nashua, Manchester, and some surrounding towns. I'm looking for something under $1,000. And I'm looking for two bedrooms. This means I'll either be living in some crime-ridden area, or living in some rural town with terrible cell-phone service.

And we're kind of picky.

The hardest part is that I don't really want it until September 1st, maybe October 1st. I can't help looking now, though, because I feel like I need a finger on the pulse of current apartment-renting trends! It makes me ever so much more eager to start looking in real life, but I know it's useless, because all the places that are advertising now want to get someone in there ASAP.

I'm sick of CraigsList. At least for this purpose. It's the same people over and over again trying to rent their same crappy apartments ("NEWLY REDUCED!!!!" "W/D HOOKUPS!!!" "1 MONTH RENT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). We saw only two places we were really interested in, and when I called, both had been rented already. So, we'll see how it all goes, but I think that finding a place to live that both people feel they can call home is going to be the hardest thing yet.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You should try to find a rental agency or whatever they are called. Like a real estate agent who knows about rentals. Then you can say "we are looking for this, this and this, and we would prefer it to be in this town or that town" and then they do all the work and you just go look at places. I know people who have done that and had great success (and it shouldn't cost anything).