Friday, March 13, 2009


i still haven't heard from my prof about the alice in wonderland paper that took me forever to write. i'm pretty nervous; since he replies via email with our grades, every time i open my inbox i get nervous that there's going to be a letter from him, telling me that i failed once again to follow the assignment properly. maybe he'll just have pity on me. i ended up kind of liking my paper in the end, but then once i passed it in i hated it again. so anyway, i'm just a ball of nerves until it comes back. it only counts for 20% of my grade, but still.

i will say, though, that last night was great! this has been the longest week ever, yes, but last night i just chatted with brooke and sarah for a while at their house (brooke fed me pea soup, which was delicious), then went with sarah to the pub. we met up with a few others and i befriended this fantastic girl named julie whose dad works at st. mike's. we have much in common (including confusion over why we're even in grad school...) so it was fun to just commiserate with someone instead of having all these uptight english grad students making you feel like a failure because you haven't applied to any PhD programs. ugh. the life of an academic.


Unknown said...

oh you and your constant nervousness, i'm sure you did fine. and since when do you like pea soup!?

Jennifer said...

Haha, every time I've been emailing my advisor since it was determined that I had better come up with a new dissertation topic I always almost throw up whenever I see a new email from him. It's always been a positive email though so I guess I need to take a chill pill, haha. Hopefully you've heard something by now so you can rest easy!