Friday, June 19, 2009

relay tonight

this evening is the Relay for Life at alvirne and i have to admit...i'm kind of dreading it. from 6 pm until 10 am we'll just be walking and chilling, which sounds like a grand old time, but i really can't stand about 3/4 of the people on our team so i think it's going to be a bit like torture. not to mention the next day, instead of sleeping, i have to go to a graduation party and a recital. i might have to rethink a couple of those things.

the PORT center in freeport called me today, and it sounds like (i let them leave a message) i might have the recommendation if i want it. getting jobs is scarier than not getting them...ahhh, the great unknown. but it's FREEPORT, which is so cute, and it's on the water, and it sounds like pretty much the best job ever, and even though it's volunteering and i don't make any money, all the things i'll get to do will look good on my resume.

the ONE hitch is that my car is seriously on its last leg. today i'm going to bring it to jiffy lube (ha, almost spelled it "loob") to get the transmition flushed, or whatever they do, but seriously, it's totally a piece of garbage. ugh. that's the one thing i'm trying to figure out. like, will it last me another year? i just do not know. but i'm trying not to let the car be my deciding factor.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

So how did it go?