Tuesday, June 9, 2009

today is a better day

last night was awful. i pretty much cried myself to sleep stressing out about finding a job. what i woke up today and realized (thanks to a long conversation with pete) is that it isn't really a race. i have a family that loves me very much and wants me to do well. they will help me out if i need it, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure i'm happy. that is such a giant blessing, and one that in all my angst i took for granted.

that said, i do have a lot of stressful things on my plate at the moment (where will i live after july? what will i be doing? what else needs to be done for this anniversary party? where else should i be sending my resume? who hasn't r.s.v.p.'d yet? will we raise enough money at the yard sale for the relay?) it doesn't mean i have to flip out about it constantly. i'm going to make the conscious decision to take it one step at a time.

also, my wonderful father let me know about a woman (mrs. bancroft...jim's mom) he knows who works at the local community college and said she was looking for adjuncts. so, even though adjuncts don't lead the best life (no bennies, for example) it is a step in the right direction, i think. i sent her an email with my resume about five minutes ago.

and today i bought the operating system i needed for sims! so now i can play!

and i have two interviews for americorps positions on thursday. one i'm not sure i want, but we'll see how it goes.

so, my life is not that bad. in fact, it isn't bad at all. :)

perspective, perspective, perspective.

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