Wednesday, December 17, 2008


ugh, i knew it wouldn't work. i posted yesterday but my internet was going in and out, so i didn't think it would go through. i was right.

well, here's a little update: there's a paper due tomorrow and i'm probably 40% done with it. that translates into doing the other 60% all today (i've had WEEKS to do that 40). oh, procrastination, how i loathe thee. i always try to get my act together and always fail to do so. as long as the end result is a desirable one, i guess it's not all bad. anyway, today is a perfect day to do nothing but work because it's snowing. my car is covered, the driveway hasn't been plowed, and i made cinnamon buns for breakfast. this all equals the perfect recipe for being productive, methinks.

update: i have already been productive today! i have a good feeling.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

movin' right along

one class done, two more to go. today was the last day of english 401, the class i teach. only 19 of the 24 students showed up, so i'm only getting 19 evaluations. this could be good or it could be bad. the students that didn't come today are usually good and i enjoy working with them, so i am a little disappointed not to have evals from them. ah well. they're all too busy working on their more important classes. i gave them (what i thought was) an inspirational speech about having purpose in their lives. i probably touched nobody, but it actually reminded me of why i'm here in the first place. i'm forced to re-evaluate my own purpose here.

i'm sick of this semester, but i think that's the only reason i hate my work. generally i enjoy what i do, i just have the end of the semester blues. now that i've gotten some work done i feel much better. today a rough draft presentation is due at 1:10, then tomorrow i've got a final draft due at 9:40, and then i'm FREE to work on the rough draft until next week (the 18th). it will feel great only working on one thing at a time.

okay, time to get back to work. but wait! one last thing! here's a picture of my new hat. i picked it out, pete bought it for my birthday present. :) i've been wearing it all weekend and into the week.

Friday, November 21, 2008

stuck at the 'brary

surprise surprise. coco proves, once again, to be an idiot. i was being a diligent student and getting my work done at the library, and really wanted to take the 3:40 bus. BUT since i wasn't keeping track of time, i walked outside and what did i see? the 3:40 bus driving away. the next one isn't for another hour. ugh. i just want to go hoooome. i wish my car wasn't broken again.

also, i sort of lied to get out of a conference today (for a good reason!) with my professor, and then, of course, i saw him in the hallway exactly when we were supposed to be conferencing. lying always, always, always bites me in the ass. whatever. the good reason was that i didn't have anything to say to him because i hadn't done my homework yet. well, it's not a good reason, but it is a reason. i would have been wasting his time otherwise. oh my god, i am the worst graduate student ever.

Monday, November 10, 2008

mayo cookies

in an effort to further procrastinate, i decided to make something sweet this evening. so, horror of horrors, when i found, looking through fanny farmer, that every cookie and cake recipe calls for eggs, i thought i was through. i'm poor! i don't have any eggs! alexa has one egg left, and i felt bad using it for sweet-stuff purposes.

sooooo, here's the world's greatest no-egg fix:

mayonnaise! right, i know, you can also use applesauce, or bananas, or some oil and some baking powder, but i didn't have any of those things. but i did have mayo. it makes sense, since eggs and oil are pretty much the only things in mayonnaise.

here's the recipe (so, so, so easy):

1 cup of sugar
1 cup of mayo
2 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

combine everything in a bowl. roll into small balls and dip balls in some extra granulated sugar. press sugared balls with fork. put in 350 degree oven for 10 minutes.

this makes a lot of cookies.

and i snickered pretty much the whole way through that last paragraph. heh.

enjoy your mayonnaisey cookies!

UPDATE: so now that i have actually eaten one of these mayo cookies, i can better report back. basically, they taste like cookies you made when you were missing ingredients. they taste fine, and are especially enhanced by dipping in milk, and they are cute, too, but they aren't the world's greatest cookie, by any means. also, the texture is a bit cake-like. still, for cookies made on the cheap, they're just what the doctor ordered.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

rent is duuuuuue.

It's that time of the month again! No, not menstrual time. That's right, RENT time! It's the first of the month, and I've got to scrounge up enough money to pay ye olde rente. Actually, I think I've got enough to pull it off and also have a little extra for spending money.

I just found out that there's a decent little Goodwill here in Dover, so I really need to check it out. Ever since I lost my favorite sweatshirt (doesn't ANYONE know where it is?!) I want a replacement.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

new blog!

i finally have an excuse to start up another blog. not that it was terribly important to have a single one in the first place, but the new one will have a purpose, and that's a good feeling. writing this always feels a little aimless (jen, i think you're the only one who ever sees it anyway...basically it's just an ongoing letter to you).

the new one is for a class. the prof suggested we have a special place to put down musings on particular lines, maybe even words, in our reading. it won't be so much notes on the reading as thoughts on particular, isolated ideas or concepts within the reading. also, she said we could turn it into a blog, so i'll be doing just that. just in case you're interested in reading, i'm going to post the link here and in the profile of this blog. yip!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

i'm back!

well, here i am, back in the seacoast region of lovely new hampshire and excited about the year ahead. the new apartment is adorable, and so far it's working out great. my roommate hasn't really lived here yet, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. she's moving in on monday, so that'll be nice. i hate being alone, it makes me fat. well, it makes me engage in very fatty behavior, like eating a lot out of boredom. but speaking of weight-loss, i am again turning a new leaf! i'm online right now trying to find a good dover bike trail, but not seeing one, after lunch i'm going to make one up myself and just get out there and ride. it's a beautiful day and i really could use the exercise. i might also go to the gym. then, weight watchers will begin next week, and i'll be on the right track again! i feel good. k.c. inspired me with his 35 pound weight-shed, so i'm pretty stoked. gotta go!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

life update

first, papers: 1 down, 1 to go. i am closish to finishing the second. i'm on the seventh page single needs to be ten. so, it's getting there. i can't wait for the double-space moment (even though i know i could just double it...meaning i have about 13 pages at the moment...still, it feels so good when you finally see the number).

second, bike: holy shit, so not easy to ride. it is WARPED, which means it makes it really hard to balance the bike when someone is riding on the back. i think i have to bring it in for a tune up. i do not know how much that will cost, but i bet it isn't going to be cheap. but! it'll be worth it, because even though it was scary, it was still really fun.

third, new favorite song: Paper Planes, by M.I.A.. can't stop listening to it!

Friday, May 16, 2008


i wish this paper would just write itself.

gotta go!

this paper ain't gonna write itself...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

pic of the new bike

heh. just thought i'd flaunt my latest purchase. anyone who wants to go for a ride this sumsum give me a call. :)


i just love when the weather is fine, the leaves are rustling, and the sun makes you warm. the only think i wish is that i could take my compy outside and do my work out there. i tried it but i couldn't see the screen because of the sunny glare. poo poo. all i can hope to do now is get lots of work done so i don't feel bad about calling it quits at 4 and taking a nap on the lawn.

after having done absolutely nothing for the past two days (i am serious when i say this. i spent all of saturday watching an america's next top model marathon on mtv), i need a reason not to feel like a bad daughter on mother's day. if i can justify staying here instead of going home by being productive, i'll feel better.

so far, so good. i am just tip-tap-typing away on my little edith wharton paper, and that is goo-ood.

i'm feeling great!

bee-tee-dubs: I BOUGHT A 1950s TANDEM SCHWINN.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

i felt productive today

tilly and the wall is definitely my new favorite.

they use tap shoes in their music! "rainbows in the dark" is my favorite. check it out on youtube.

le sigh. toronto trip is a go-go (i bought tickets to see evil dead: the musical in Toronto on June 6, 2008, so...yeah, it's happening).


*if anyone has any good toronto tips or ideas, lemme know. i have the old standbys all down, like museums, zoos, fancier nightclubs, etc., but if you have an insider's knowledge, tell me!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

takin' a page from creeden?

well...two more weeks before those papers are due. they aren't any more done now than they were two weeks ago. okay that's a lie. each one is about four pages more done than they were. that's clearly not saying much for my ability to get myself together.

and so it begs the question: why am i even here? if i procrastinate like crazy, am constantly annoyed by my work, and can't wait for summer to start...why am i here? i like learning! i like class! but do i only like those things when they keep me from having a "real" job? i think the short answer is a resounding "yes."

officemate bryan keeps urging me to pursue my mfa in creative nonfiction. that'd be cool, for sure, but it's doubtful i have the chops. i think that maybe the worst thing in the world is realizing that you're not as great as you wanted people to think you were.

actually, maybe the worst thing in the world is not giving yourself credit.

but then you question yourself again, and wonder, well, maybe i'm thinking too much of myself if i think i'm not giving myself enough credit. maybe there's no credit to be deserved! maybe i'm exactly what i'm afraid of being: a mediocre graduate student at a mediocre graduate school writing mediocre english papers that are (let's be completely honest, here) absolutely pointless. the only people who read them are my professors, and they don't think they're that great. even if i were to get something published (longshot!) the only people who would read it are other english majors doing papers on stuff i wrote about. that's the way it works. it's just a closed-off circle of english major people doing stupid theoretical english major stuff that doesn't even matter in life! IT'S SO DUMB.

but, i guess i like it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

back ta woik

it is becoming that time of the semester that everyone hates. it's too nice out to do work!

i have forty pages (total) due by the the second week of may. that gives me about four weeks. it's obviously possible, and i'm going to do it, but i really, really don't want to.

maybe tonight i'll get a jump on it and write a few pages of a paper, just so i don't feel bad this weekend when i really want to be doing other things, like going to the beach or napping or riding my bike.

blah. i have a boring life and a boring blog.

Friday, April 11, 2008

what's going on here?

i woke up this morning (at 4:00 am, mind you) to the fact that my knee was asleep. what? can knees even do that? the answer would seem to be yes, and it still feels weird since then. of course i got really nervous about it so i didn't sleep much after that, until probably 6, then woke up at 9:30. i wonder: does it just feel weird because i can't stop thinking about it, or does it actually feel weird? this is the question i must ask myself every time i get a weird feeling in my body.

i'm going to get a check-up as soon as i get home. i'm sick of being worried.

also, i'm not letting myself look this symptom up on'll just worry me more.


Thursday, March 27, 2008


there is hardly anything better in this life than a triscuit with a bit of laughing cow garlic and herb cheese smeared generously all over it.

that said, i think i'll put a few excerpts from the non-fiction essay (is that what you even call it?) i've been working on in here. helpful comments are welcome.

Title: "Re-Stored"

"...Of course, it wasn’t the clothes I was looking to evade, but the people inhabiting them. Those campus drones blindly following each other in and out of Abercrombie (thanks Gram and Gramps!), American Eagle, (thanks Mom and Dad!) and Aeropostale (thanks Reference Desk work study!) were a constant source of discomfort for me. They were tiring. There was something missing. There was no grit. Anyone with a bad attitude had, in my opinion, no right to it; those with fluorescent smiles shimmering at me from across the quad were, at best, incomplete sketches of what a “real” human was.
And so I found myself in my car, zipping along to find the nearest parking space to the entrance, to maximize the time I could spend in the store before my walking date. I shifted my car into park with my right hand, while opening the door with my left. The car was barely off before my sneakers hit the asphalt. I sped across the fire lane and leapt through the automatic double doors.

...K-Mart is a wonderfully anonymous place that accepts all kinds. People who must share my disease walked with furrowed brows among the racks of clothing, searching for the ugliest bolero jacket or most ill-fitting neon tube-top. I floated over to the shoe department and slipped my foot into a four-inch platform foam sandal, plastic jewels glittering under buzzing lights. A woman with two screaming children and probably a headache gave me an approving glance as I hobbled up the aisle in search of a foot mirror, one foot in a sneaker, the other strapped into the new shoe. Because of my disease, these sandals were starting to grow on me, and The Mommy’s approval had fueled my desire. Trying on the other sandal and finding it a bit more snug than the first (damn these un-identical feet of mine!), I decided to look at one more aisle. I waddled around to the other side, my feet still in the foam shoes and attached by a short elastic band.

...I sped to the checkout and a crusty woman, probably a Gladys or a Bernadette, passed the scanner across the tag attached to my shoes. She must have noticed the twinkle in my eye, because she made some snarky comment about the shoes’ attractiveness being inversely related to the size of my grin. I agreed that they weren’t the wisest style choice, but at only three dollars, how could I resist? On this point, the Gladys couldn’t disagree.
“I love this place!” I gushed to her, practically glowing at the thought of parading around campus in my treasures the next day.
I would eventually discover that pink canvas Mary Janes match pretty much nothing, that they look stupid with pants and skirts alike, that they are the subject of occasional ridicule, and that they make the backs of my feet bleed. But for that afternoon, as I skipped out of the store and tossed the plastic bag into the backseat, zooming off to traipse through the woods on a warm May day with a favorite English professor, I felt restored."

Thursday, March 20, 2008


heading off to see Avenue Q today around 3:30. i have to say that i'm pretty excited about it. anything involving puppets is always a-okay in my book, and the fact that they're often inappropriate just makes it that much better.

also, it's an excellent way of getting me out of a house filled with food that i shouldn't be eating, like girl scout cookies (oh, how i love thin mints), candy, and meatballs. not to mention it's a great way of avoiding the paper i'm supposed to be writing at this very moment. not to say that i haven't started it, because i have, but i just really don't feel like doing it. that's probably a bad sign. eh. suck it, paper.

p.s. it's the "s is for sucks" 5th year anniversary: Trogday '08

aaaaaaaand just a little of this: it doen't have wings

Friday, March 14, 2008

fake break

i walked into my room last night only to find it even cleaner than when i left it. i hadn't thought that was possible. anthony claims it smells a lot better now that i don't live in it, and now that mum has purged it of most remaining memories. there's still some stuff, just not a lot of it. wah.

i have a lot of work to do this week, and i was hoping that it would be nice and relaxing. i was also hoping that my toilet would not break, but then, (fill in cliche here). i left the door to my apartment open so the landpeople could get in and fix the john. my only concern is that there's toilet paper in it. i mean, not wads. well, yes, wads...but not giant ones. 'twas just a little pee, and then i couldn't flush. the handle would depress and nothing would happen. it could have been a lot worse. i could have poo-ed. or, i could have had my period, and that would have been supremely awful. so big jim should be happy it's the lesser of all evils.

the broken toilet was a nice symbol of all that my life is at the moment. hopefully by next week the literal and metaphorical toilets will all be flushing properly.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


i don't know why she's so fascinating to me, but dirty martini might just be my new favorite person.

in addition to going to see a drag show, my life won't be complete until i witness some real-life burlesque. it looks like so much fun! i can't imagine how difficult it must be to swing one boob at a time for tassle-twirling action, and i'm not willing to humiliate myself to personally find out, but i am willing to marvel at someone else's ridiculous arts of seduction.

Friday, February 29, 2008

apple zapple

it's a beautiful sunny day, and what am i doing? searching for my probably-dead cat on area humane society websites and updating a blog that one person reads. well, whatever. i found another cat that i want, and he fulfills my two feline requirements: big and cuddly. his name is mittens, and since he was a stray, that means he doesn't know his name anyway. therefore, a re-name to something more suitable, like "gloves" or "sir wexley fitzwilliam pawsykins the third," would be perfectly reasonable.

oh bother; i just received a call that allyson is on her way and now i have to clean because she expects me to feed her. i bought some "apple dapples" from market basket (it's their more cardboardy version of "apple jacks"), and offered them to her. she declined over the phone, proclaiming, "i would never eat anything called "apple zapples!"

i can only imagine how much better anything would taste with a name like "apple zapple."

but she's almost here, and i'm in my jim-jams, and all of my dishes are dirty. bah.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

don't banish them from your mind

"Grandpa Seth has remained in all our hearts, but you must banish him from your mind."

so says the character of "mom" in my favorite of all time: troll 2.

to my delight they are having a double-feature in the student union building on thursday night, featuring not only troll 2, but manos: the hands of fate, as well.

pete is intrigued, and i cannot wait. it's been months since i've seen either, and i've had to whet my appetite with snippets on youtube. i cannot wait for the saving grace of a double-decker bologna sandwich. oh grandpa seth, what great advice you give!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

under the truck

wellwellwell. quite a weekend i've had already, and it's only saturday morning.

aubrey came to visit, as promised, and due to the foul weather she stayed an extra day! that was marvelous, because we went to kathleen's and had a great time playing some ridiculous game called "celebrity," a mix between catch phrase and charades.

also, i fell on the ice. under a truck. not a moving truck, mind you. a very stationary one. still, HIGH-larious, if i do say so m'self. i landed flat on my stomach, with the lower half of my body underneath a large, parked pick-up. i was warned of the ice, but heeded it not! to my delight, someone who came in after me (who i had forewarned via phone re the likelihood of slipping under a truck), came in, covered with snow, and pronounced, with a tone of i'm-mad-because-i'm-carrying-beer-and-i-fell-on-ice: "i fell under the truck." i erupted into a fit of giggles and tears because falling is always funny, and somehow, her falling justified my own incident.

oh, and lest i forget: aubrey and i also played a couple exciting rounds of Life: Twists and Turns, and this gem of a card came up:


Thursday, February 21, 2008


post-it dancing fun!

it's thoisdee

well, here we are. the beginning of the end of another week. aubrey is coming to visit tonight, which should be grand; tomorrow, we visit dave spicy house!

i did another jennifer galardi workout this morning. i have to say, even though it's only twenty minutes, i sweat more than i had been with the other workouts i have. i could make it longer, but i only had time for a two-oh, because i have a presentation today in american modernisms and i have to keep prepping for it.

actually i don't think it'll be disastrous, though it might be boring. that's fine with me. as long as i can manage to blab on for about fifteen minutes i'll be okay, and if peggy goes after me, that's even better. nobody will ask me questions, if that's the case.

also, my landlady big jim are going away for the week. i'm glad aubrey's coming this eve. also, weight watchers tonight, so we'll see if this galardi business has been paying off.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

obligatory new blog post

acting on a suggestion, i've joined millions of others (all of us would-be writers/artists/journalists/musicians/perverts) by publishing my very own blog. admittedly, becoming one with the blogosphere will take some time. i have neither the will nor the desire to trudge through whatever mundane thoughts someone else decides to commit to virtual paper, but for some reason, i hold out hope that a better person than i will happen upon this particular blog, and find something to relate to, i guess.

i don't even know what to write about. life, as usual, will have to suffice.

currently, i'm trying to create a presentation about modernism and post-modernism for a class aptly titled "american modernisms." on the downside, my presentation is going to be boring and sucky. on the upside, i will be following a general trend of in-class suckiness. only one fellow student has had a decent presentation, and that included film clips (it has been my experience that the best presentations always include film clips, regardless of how lame the clips may be when viewed separately). i have been trying my hardest to get something with pieces of movies going, but i think it's too late now, since class is in two days. i was going to maybe show a little of a modernist film (perhaps an old film noir, like double indemnity), and then a little post-modernist film, like pulp fiction, but that would mean i'd not only have to watch them both and get good spots for comparison, but i'd also have to have something bright to say about each's role in modernism. blegh.

that's all for today, i suppose. sorry it wasn't cool.